Calhoun Baptist Church News October 11, 2015

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Calhoun Baptist Church invites you to come and worship with us.
Our guest speaker today was Brother Don Patterson and his wife, Sister Karen.

Brother Terry Barrow welcomed everyone with announcements and with prayer. After “Praise and Worship” lead by his daughter Victoria, our Song Leader. Brother Terry introduced our Guest Speaker, Brother Don to bring the Word for the day. He chose his Sermon from 1st. Corinthians Ch. 15: verses 1 through 11.
“The Risen Christ”, is the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Verse 4 & 5 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. Many more people saw Him.

Our Prayer Concerns are for the Janette Lawson Family, and for our Pastor Search Committee, Ciara Pennock and twin babies, Cindy Houk, Deanna Stockstill, Danny Henry, Rosa Williams, Doug Cooper,
Remember to pray for our men and women in the Military.

October 26th. – 29th..MBC Annual Meeting at University Plaza (Springfield MO).
We have Sunday School @ 10:00 AM every Sunday morning with
a Class for each Age Group
Worship Services Sunday @ 11 AM
We have a Nursery for the Little Ones

At 6 PM on Wednesdays Youth Group Meets
Wednesdays at 7 PM GA’s & RA’S .
Also Adult Bible Study Meets Wednesdays @ 7 PM

Come and worship with us.
We are located 3 blocks off 52 on V Highway .
Visit our Facebook Page it is
Each sermon is on Podcast at our website