Welcome to the news for the Calhoun Baptist Church February 14, 2016

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Welcome to the news for the Calhoun Baptist Church.
This week Brother John Roberts became our Interim Pastor. You are invited to come next Sunday and get to know Brother John and his family.

This week in his sermon titled “Times of Refreshing” Brother John preached from Nehemiah 8:5-12 and Acts 2:36-43. Brother John preached about how God uses revival to refocus his followers on Him which is what is important.

Our Prayer Concerns are for our Pastor Search Committee, Baby Madeline, Pat Kampe, Jackie Isabell,
Pray for our men and women in the Military. at home and on foreign soil.

On February 14th. there was a “Valentine Banquet” following morning Church @ Noon.
there was so much good food and great fellowship with different members of our congregation.

We have Sunday School @ 10:00 AM every Sunday morning with a Class for each Age Group.
Worship Services Sunday @ 11 AM

We have a Nursery for the Little Ones

At 6 PM on Wednesdays Youth Group Meets
Wednesdays at 6 PM GA’s & RA’S .
Also Adult Bible Study Meets Wednesdays @ 7 PM

Come and worship with us.
We are located 3 blocks off 52 on V Highway .
Visit our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/calhounbaptist
Each sermon is on Podcast at our website http://www.calhounbaptist.org