Calhoun Baptist Church News March 25, 2012

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Calhoun Baptist Church
Rev. Jordan Hodges, Pastor
Our Worship Service was opened this morning by our Pastor, Brother Jordan Hodges with a dedication of a new baby girl! Dedicating a child acknowledges God’s sovereignty not only over the child, but also Mom and Dad. Brent and Miranda Carney are the proud parents of little Emmilyn Elier Carney who was born March 12, 2012. Our Pastor, the Deacons and her parents presented Emmilyn before God and His people asking for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities. It is very important as the Church to help and encourage new parents in any way that is needed. Also, each one of us has the honor and previlege of seeing her grow into a young lady who one day will trust Jesus Christ as Savior for the forgiveness of sin.
Recognition of Birthdays and Anniversaries are always a time of celebration too! Charles and Maragret Fields and Charles and Claudean Brown were celebrating their Wedding Anniversaries this week.
The G. A. Girls are making a Paper Chain of Messages! A message on each link of the chain. There will be a link for every 10 cents donated to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. Our goal this year is $200.00. There will be a lot of message links on this chain because there is a sum of 960 links on the chain already. It will be on display in the church to encourage others to financially support missions here in North America.
After a short Mission’s Message shown on the over-head big screen, Brother Jordan brought the message from the Book of Romans Ch:3:20-31.
“I am not good enough.” What ever you are offering, it is not good enough, as stated in verse 20. God put out a new way and that is Faith in Jesus Christ. God changed the rules about what is good, not just what, but WHO. There should be no boasting about who you are and what you do. We are justified by faith, not by works.
We are entering the time of year when we recognize what God’s son Jesus did on the cross. He was and is the only perfect person whose life was slain for the sins of a lost world. He is in Heaven now to be an intercessor for our prayers to God. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. He lives! After the services this morning we had a “Water Baptism.” This does not wash away our sins, that was already done when we first beleaved in Jesus as God’s Son. It is the outward testimony of the believer’s inward faith. A sinner is saved the moment he places his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism is a visible testimony to that faith. Brother Jordan ask the question. What keeps you from being Baptized?
Our Prayer Concerns: Janice Ivey~ Bob Ketchum ~Debbie Willings~ Jim & Sandy Paul~ Jay Lilly~ Helen Reynolds ~ Janet Taylor~ Rosa Williams~ Rusty Cowen~ Pete Hansen~ June Berry ~Elsie Onwiler ~ Jennifer Strouse ~ Claudean Brown ~ Chad Price ~ Shaine Thompson ~
Remember our men and women in the Service for our country.
The extended Prayer Concerns List is on our bulletin board.
Events to look forward to for the month of April.
North American Mission Board and Annie Armstrong Offering~
April 4th. palm Sunday
April 8th. Easter Sunday
April 10th.. WMU Mtg. at 7 P.M. at the church.
April 27th Brotherhood Breakfast. 8 A. M.
April 29th. Singspiration @ New Life Church
Each Sunday Morning Fellowship with a light Breakfast 9:30 A.M. Sunday School – with a Class for all ages 10:00 A.M. Worship Services 11:00 A.M. We have Children’s Church and Nursery for the little ones. Sunday Evening Worship at 6 P.M. Wednesday evening services 7:00 P.M Youth Group, RA’s and GA’s Come to see us 3 blocks off of 52 on V Highway, Calhoun MO.   64735