Church News – January 17th

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Cold, snow and ice didn’t keep us from gathering for worship. We opened with the song The Solid Rock accompanied by our organist Phyllis Richardson. Pastor Mark Abney delivered the message “Patches and Wine Skins” from Matthew 9:16-17. Jesus was telling the people you can’t have the old and the new. In what ways does following Jesus require you to change? You walk in a way that will point others to Christ. God in you makes you different. If you’ve been saved the true test is you want to do things for Jesus.

Prayer concerns this week include Pat Kampe, Jim Bilbruck, Pam Townsend, Jerry Reiners, Darrell Shriner and Malachi Yoder. It is reassuring to know our God hears and answers prayers.

We celebrate with Terry Barrow as his birthday is this Friday, January 17th. Blessings and birthday wishes go out to him.

Children ages kindergarten through sixth grades are welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in Gospel Kids. Send those kiddos so they can learn and grow with us in our knowledge of the bible and our Lord.

Celebrate Recovery continues Sunday evenings starting with supper at 5:30 pm followed by large group worship at 6:30 and small groups at 7:30 pm. This program is making a difference in the life of so many people. Need or want to make a change? Come and see for yourself. God is at work.

We will be collecting donations for our benevolent fund the next few Sundays. Please pray about what you will give.

You are always more than welcome to worship with us at Calhoun Baptist Church. Sunday School begins at 10:00 am with a class for every age then Worship follows at 11:00 am. Come join us in the work of Christ. We look forward to seeing you.