Church News – January 24th

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He Keeps Me Singing As I Go was the hymn we opened with as we greeted one another in Christian love. This week Pastor Mark Abney brought the sermon titled “Salt and Light”. He chose scripture text Matthew 5:13-15. In Jesus’ day salt was a precious commodity. Salt helped preserve things. God’s word is “the salt of the Earth”. If God is in us we should be “salt” to the world. We must take a stand on God’s word. Much as He said we are salt, Jesus also said we are light. Light penetrates the darkness. Let your “light” shine for all to see. In order to be salty and reflect Christ we need to read His word and stay close to Him.

God always hears our prayers and therefore we can confidently bring our the following prayer concerns to Him. Pat Kampe, Jim Bilbruck, Pam Townsend, Jerry Reiners, Malachi Yoder, Katrina Daniels and Kody Parker are on our list this week. Please mention them to the Lord during your quiet time.

Pat Kampe celebrated a birthday on Sunday, January 19th. We pray she has a blessed year.

We are beginning a new unit of study in Gospel Kids – Into the World. Our big picture question will be Is Jesus God or human? Children will discover that as the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human. Children ages kindergarten through sixth grades are welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.

Celebrate Recovery continues Sunday evenings starting with supper at 5:30 pm, large group worship at 6:30 and small group at 7:30 pm. This week the lesson was POWERLESS. Principle 1 says that we must realize we are not God. Admit that you are powerless to control your tendency to do the wrong thing and that your life is unmanageable. How has pride stopped you from asking for and getting help to overcome your hurts, habits and hang-ups?

We are collecting donations for our benevolent fund the next few Sundays. Please pray about what you will give.

You are always more than welcome to worship with us at Calhoun Baptist Church. Sunday School begins at 10:00 am with a class for every age then Worship follows at 11:00 am. Come join us in the work of Christ. We look forward to seeing you.