Church News – February 21st

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We opened with the song “This Is The Day” and any day created by the Lord is the day to rejoice in Him. Pastor Mark Abney’s message was titled “Watch and Wait” from Luke 12:35-40. We all know that waiting is hard and in this parable, those waiting were making preparations. They had everything in order for when the master came. They were ready to serve. But Jesus said when the master (who represents Jesus) returns, he will serve the servants. We must be ready for Jesus’ return which could be at any moment. Be ready for a delay but don’t be discouraged by the drudgery of life – do the work of the Lord. Faithfully manage the resources given to you by God.

Our prayer concerns for this week include Timmy Fields, Pat Kampe, Jerry Reiners, Malachi Yoder, and Carla Smith. Please keep Joey Fields who is being deployed overseas again in your prayers along with all our brave soldiers.

Happy birthday to Charles Fields and Jessica Price who celebrated February 17th and Jackson Mantonya who celebrated February 21st. We wish them many more.

The wintery weather has kept Gospel Kids from meeting for two weeks. This Wednesday we will be learning about John the Baptists and Jesus’ birth. Our big picture question: Is Jesus God or human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human. Children ages kindergarten through sixth grade are welcome to attend on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.

Celebrate Recovery continues Sunday evenings starting with supper at 5:30 pm, large group worship at 6:30 and small group at 7:30 pm. Come join in.

Last Sunday we celebrated Valentine’s Day with a fellowship dinner after the morning worship service. The food was delicious and the conversation among brothers and sisters in Christ was priceless.

The door is always open at Calhoun Baptist Church where we invite you to worship with us. Sunday School begins at 10:00 am with a class for every age then Worship follows at 11:00 am. Come join us in the work of Christ. We look forward to seeing you.